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Revelation bible study guide - Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira
Revelation bible study guide - Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira
by SPCK - N T Wright
Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira Revelation 2 I was involved some years ago in making a series of radio programs where people from quite different backgrounds came together for an hour to discuss complex and challenging topics of the day. Since this was being mad
Revelation bible study guide - Letters to Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea
Revelation bible study guide - Letters to Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea
by SPCK - N T Wright
Letters to Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea Revelation 3 You might be surprised to know that, in some parts of England, “The Wars of the Roses” still live on. These wars were fought between the Houses of York (the white rose) and Lancaster (the red rose) in the fifteenth century
Revelation bible study guide - The Monster and the Whore
Revelation bible study guide - The Monster and the Whore
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Monster and the Whore Revelation 17 I remember my excitement when, as a boy, I learned to read a map. Someone had given me a “maps made easy” sort of book, which explained how all the symbols worked. I remember being especially fascinated by the contour lines. Growing up as I
Revelation bible study guide - The Woman and the Angry Dragon
Revelation bible study guide - The Woman and the Angry Dragon
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Woman and the Angry Dragon Revelation 12 I once attended a memorial service for a famous sportsman, a cricketer who had been a boyhood hero for me and for many others. The church was packed, and a special place was reserved for other cricketers who had played with or against
Revelation bible study guide - God's Victory
Revelation bible study guide - God's Victory
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Victory Revelation 19 In Britain and other parts of the world, weddings can be highly expensive. Even in areas of relative poverty, people still spend tens of thousands of pounds to stage something that seems appropriate to the occasion. There is much about this that I find
Revelation bible study guide - Locusts and Fiery Riders
Revelation bible study guide - Locusts and Fiery Riders
by SPCK - N T Wright
Locusts and Fiery Riders Revelation 9 It is already dark outside, and the wind is getting stronger. You are getting up to close the curtains when all the lights go out: a power failure. As you stumble your way to the cupboard by the back door in search of candles, you sense a col
Revelation bible study guide - The Day Is Coming
Revelation bible study guide - The Day Is Coming
by SPCK - N T Wright
THE DAY IS COMING Revelation 6 All doctors, and all pastors, know that when someone comes to them with a problem, the problem they talk about may not be the only problem they have. The pain that gets someone into the doctor’s office may well be only a symptom of much deeper ills,
Revelation bible study guide - Worth is The Lamb
Revelation bible study guide - Worth is The Lamb
by SPCK - N T Wright
WORTHY IS THE LAMB Revelation 5 We stood and stared at the letter as it lay on the doormat. It was a smart envelope, good quality paper, with clear, bold typewritten name and address. And at the top, in even larger letters, we saw the words: To Be Opened by Addressee Only. And th
Revelation bible study guide - Praise to the Creator
Revelation bible study guide - Praise to the Creator
by SPCK - N T Wright
PRAISE TO THE CREATOR Revelation 4 Scientists and anthropologists have often asked themselves, “What is it that humans can do that computers can’t do?” The writer David Lodge wrote a powerful novel on this theme, entitled Thinks . . . The heroine eventually discovers the answer:
Revelation bible study guide - Reaping the Harvest and Preparing the Plagues
Revelation bible study guide - Reaping the Harvest and Preparing the Plagues
by SPCK - N T Wright
Reaping the Harvest and Preparing the Plagues Revelation 14: 14-15: 8 Imagine a village in the outlying countryside of ancient Judaea. It’s a long way from the city, and even traders don’t come there that often, far less government officials. A circuit judge comes to the neighbor
Revelation bible study guide - The Golden Censer and the First Plagues
Revelation bible study guide - The Golden Censer and the First Plagues
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Golden Censer and the First Plagues Revelation 8 Bernard Levin was one of the greatest London journalists of the last generation. One of his many great loves was music. Levin relished the great moments of classical music, the operas of Mozart and Wagner in particular. He was
Revelation bible study guide - The Seven Plagues
Revelation bible study guide - The Seven Plagues
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Seven Plagues Revelation 16 The lunch had been substantial, the meeting was tedious, the room was warm and the speakers droned on and on. The chairman noticed that one of his colleagues was finally subsiding into slumber. With cruel timing, he waited until the poor man’s head
Revelation bible study guide - Two Monsters
Revelation bible study guide - Two Monsters
by SPCK - N T Wright
Two Monsters Revelation 13 A parody is what you get when someone produces a fake which looks real but isn’t. Sometimes this is done deliberately, for comic effect, as when people turn a Shakespeare tragedy like Hamlet into a short, funny skit, or play a Mozart symphony on kazoos
Revelation bible study guide - Two Witnesses and a Song of Triumph